Integrationswerkstätten g GmbH Niederlausitz

Schwarzer Weg 1
01968 Senftenberg
Telephone: +49 3573 7073-0
Telefax: +49 3573 2159

General Manager: Dipl.-Kaufm. (FH) Tino Jörke
Proxy: Dipl. Ing. Arndt Röhling

Commercial Registry: HRB 1954 at Amtsgericht Cottbus

Value Added Tax Identification Number:  DE 138900166


Hellraum Fensterbau Lauchhammer GmbH

Am Gewerbehof 4
01979 Lauchhammer
Telephone: +49 3574 86 02 00
Telefax: +49 3574 86 10 41

General Manager: Dipl.-Kaufm. (FH) Tino Jörke
Proxy: Henry Heppner

Commercial Registry: HRB 3054 at Amtsgericht Cottbus

Value Added Tax Identification Number: DE 162065755

WBS Tierpark-Betriebs-GmbH Niederlausitz

Schwarzer Weg 1
01968 Senftenberg
Telephone: +49 3573 7073-0
Telefax: +49 3573 2159

General Manager: Dipl.-Kaufm. (FH) Tino Jörke
Proxy: Dipl. Ing. Arndt Röhling
Holger Loser

Commercial Registry: HRB 11382 at Amtsgericht Cottbus

Value Added Tax Identification Number: DE 292128093

Dispute Settlement

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution: 

Consumer information as per § 36 VSBG [German Consumer Dispute Resolution Act]:

We are not prepared or obligated to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration body.


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